
This section describes feature that allows you to access the functionality of from any program that you write. The idea is that you can call another program from within , and that program can then use software interrupts to call and access its functions.

When starts, it sets up an 8088 (or 8086 or 80286) software interrupt (interrupt number 0x61, but it can be changed in pt.ini) so that it calls an interface routine in . This interface routine uses the parameters that are passed in the registers to call various internal functions in . These functions can do things like: get and set the selection, read characters from the files being editing, insert and delete characters from the files being edited, open new windows, reposition windows, top and bottom windows, scroll windows, display messages, execute any command, etc.

You can essentially run by remote control from another program using software interrupts. This other program can be written in any language that has the ability to call software interrupts.

***(in the next sentence)Do you mean edilting in or in some other way? Does the program you are running have to be started from the editor or could I, for example, call directly from a word processor? I don't follow this.***

includes commands that make it easy to call the programs you write to extend while you are editing.

We will first describe the example extensions that are included in the distribution. Then we will describe how to set up pt.ini to call these extensions. Finally we will describe the interface routines so that you can write your own extensions to .